Every year I am in awe that another year has passed and this year is no exception. I was thinking back to when I was in high school and I couldn’t imagine the year 2000 let alone 2013! It was an interesting departure of 2012 and arrival of 2013. I was cleaning up the living room getting ready to ring in the new year while CW was in the kitchen getting the champaign glasses ready for the new year toast. I mopped the floor and it wasn’t drying quickly so I went to get a towel to dry the floor. Not knowing that I had just mopped, CW came into the room with the champaign glasses and he slipped and fell before I could dry the floor. There wasn’t enough time to clean up the glass before ringing in the new year so we winged it and rang in the new year first. The kids came up with the idea to do two different Happy New Year 2013 signs – one with all iPods/iPhones and one where they drew their own words.
- Cheers to 2013!
- Happy New Year 2013 with pen & paper!
- Happy New Year 2013 with technology!
We rang in the new year with blood, sweat and tears. While making their own signs, Andrew put his hand down on a missed piece of glass and punctured himself pretty bad. He was a trooper and went back to drawing once he was bandaged up. Two injuries – one while saying goodbye to 2012 and one while saying hello to 2013. I hope this isn’t a sign of the upcoming year! LOL
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