Things have gone from bad to worse. I just got out of the hospital after being there for 10+ days. Every since I returned from my trip to Tennessee/Kentucky, I have been having terrible headaches. The doctors starting running a battery of tests, MRIs, CT scans, X-rays and then finally a spinal tap. I went to the hospital on Wednesday the 9th for my spinal tap and after 10 hours and 6 or 7 tries they were unable to retrieve any spinal fluid. So they asked me to return the next day so they could do the tap under a fluoroscope. I went back to the hospital on the 10th and they were able to do the spinal tap and not only did I have an elevated white cell count indicating infection but I also had a slightly irregular spinal tap. They knew I didn’t have bacterial meningitis but weren’t sure if I had viral meningitis or not. They finally decided to admit me just in case and start me on some antibiotics for the unknown infection. I had good days and bad days but towards the end of my hospital stay I starting throwing up which of course made my headaches worse. They finally ended up putting me on a Morphine pump which allowed me to self medicate. For reasons unknown to us the day after they started me on the Morphine pump they took me off it and sent me home (yes, still throwing up and having terrible headaches). Somehow I survived the night at home but ended up back in the emergency room on Friday the 18th. They admitted me again and restarted the Morphine pump. Unfortunately my throwing up and headache were still pretty bad so they had me on a grocery list of medications. They started physical therapy on my neck thinking they could release some tension thereby giving me relief from my headaches but then released me again the following day.
To make an incredibly long and boring story short, I’m having terrible headaches and throwing up, have spent 10+ days in the hospital and had every test known to man and no one can figure out what’s going on. Personally speaking, I think they should give me some Prozac and put me in a padded room where men in white coats can watch me all day long! *wink, wink*
Needless to say, we are still in need of everyone’s thoughts and prayers!